Friday, September 12, 2008

Little Big Planet Beta

New details have been posted by the creators at mediamolecule (also where I socknapped this image from as a placeholder until we get access to screen capping my OWN images of Sackboy!) in regards to an official post over on the playstation forums.

While acknowledged to have entered closed Beta some time ago - confirmed release of Little Big Planet Beta entering wider release has been less than forthcoming. With a release date fast approaching, Gamasutra posted info this week which has me excited!
LBP's getting an LPB. SCEA says there will be a limited public beta test for Media Molecule-developed PlayStation 3 title LittleBigPlanet this month, just ahead of the game's October release.

Details are still sketchy - no exact "how to" access the beta information has been disclosed, but the rep states in his interview that:
"If it will be possible to 'sign up' for this test, full information on how to do so will be made public in advance of the test," says the rep. "Similarly if the test is going to be conducted in an invitation-only we will let you know ahead of time."

Optimism can only get us so far - but the assurance that potential testers will have access to information is promising to say the least. Secretive closed beta registrations exhaust me.

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