Thursday, September 11, 2008

Little Big Planet - Countdown

A year in waiting... and the moment draws near.

This blog began its existence in September of 2007. Until now - It lay in wait. With the upcoming release of Little Big Planet this fall, we anticipate & expect continuous updates. We are mere days away from the beginning of something amazing!

Game On !!!

Over at Wonderland they have linked images of the adorable knitted Sackboy. He is very "more-ish", irristible in appearance, he is.

Over on the ever increasingly random and eclectic web blog at arrikasegotrip I have been discussing my newest potential addictions, weaving and needle felting. New to both activities, I am optimisticly venturing forward with several learning experiences gleaned from magazine tutorials and web content such as i have found at Make and on youtube. My disinterest in sewing and knitting led to my surfing around in search of alternatives that offered a more instant form of gratification. Sackboy is a great subject for experimentation!

I have been (semi) deep in contemplation with how I might succesfully incorporate textiles into a potential bronze casted sculpture.... One geeky sidetrip I would like to venture down would be to create costumes such as the Dragon costune seen in the second image via weaving and felting it.

I have been taking bronzecasting classes for a year now... but i am never satisfied working in one medium. Thus fabric and textiles are coming into play. I am curious to envision what i can do with a woven sackboy. I could mold him out of wax... cast in bronze and then outfit him in a very feltable costume a la dragonboy. Unfortunately this will not qualify as required course work as copyright infringement is not a direction we can go - but for personal amusement I am looking forward to adding a permanent sackboy to the family.

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